Ab ¦
Al ¦
Ap ¦
glph ¦
mbstr ¦
Pd ¦
Pf ¦
Pg ¦
Ph ¦
Pi ¦
Pm ¦
Pp ¦
Pt ¦
Px ¦
qnxgl ¦
Rt ¦
utf8 ¦
If you're familiar with earlier versions of Photon, you should read:
to find out how the libraries have changed in this release. |
The Photon Library Reference accompanies the Photon Development
System and is intended for application developers.
It describes the data types, structures, and functions that are defined in
the Photon API.
This reference contains the following chapters:
- For functions that deal with specific widgets, see the
Widget Reference.
- For functions that deal with creating widget classes, see
Building Custom Widgets.
- In general, the Photon libraries aren't thread-safe.
For information on using Photon and threads, see
in the Parallel Operations chapter of the
Photon Programmer's Guide.
To use the datatypes and functions in an application:
- If you're using the Photon Application Builder (PhAB), the
appropriate header files are automatically included in your
- If you aren't using PhAB but your application uses widgets,
include <Pt.h>.
- If you aren't using PhAB or widgets, include <Ph.h>.
This section includes:
- AbGetABW()
- ApSetContext()
- glAlphaValueQNXf()
- glBlueValueQNXf()
- glGetGLPhInfoQNX()
- glGetPhotonClippingQNX()
- glGetPhotonLayerQNX()
- glGetPhotonRidQNX()
- glGetPhotonTranslationQNX()
- glGreenValueQNXf()
- glRedValueQNXf()
- glSetPhotonClippingQNX()
- glSetPhotonLayerQNX()
- glSetPhotonRenderSurfaceQNX()
- glSetPhotonRidQNX()
- glSetPhotonTranslationQNX()
- PdGetOffscreenSurface()
- PfAllocDetailsCx()
- PfAllocRenderCx()
- PfAssignDllCx()
- PfAttachCx()
- PfAttachDllCx()
- PfAttachLocalDll()
- PfAttachServerDll()
- PfAttachSleuthMonitorDll()
- PfConvertFontIDCx()
- PfConvertPixelsToPointSizeCx()
- PfDecomposeStemToIDCx
- PfDefaultContext()
- PfDetachCx()
- PfDetachLocalDll()
- PfDynamicFontIDCx()
- PfDynamicLoadCx()
- PfDynamicUnloadCx()
- PfExtentComponentsCx()
- PfExtentCx()
- PfExtentTextCharPositionsCx()
- PfFindFontCx()
- PfFontBaseStemCx()
- PfFontDescriptionCx()
- PfFontFlagsCx()
- PfFontSizeCx()
- PfFontTypeCx()
- PfFreeFontCx()
- PfGenerateFontNameCx()
- PfGetGlyphIndexCx()
- PfGetOutlineCx()
- PfGlyphCx()
- PfLoadFontCx()
- PfLoadMetricsCx()
- PfQueryFontInfoCx()
- PfQueryFontsCx()
- PfRenderCx()
- PfRestartServerDll()
- PfSetOptionsDll()
- PfSetRenderingDPICx()
- PfWaitOnServerDll()
- PgAlphaOffCx()
- PgAlphaOnCx()
- PgBevelBoxCx()
- PgBlit()
- PgBlitCx()
- PgChromaOffCx()
- PgChromaOnCx()
- PgClearDrawBufferCx()
- PgClearTranslationCx()
- PgContextBlitCx()
- PgContextBlitAreaCx()
- PgContrastBevelBoxCx()
- PgDefaultAlpha()
- PgDefaultChroma()
- PgDrawArcCx()
- PgDrawArrowCx()
- PgDrawBevelBoxCx(), PgDrawIBevelBoxCx()
- PgDrawBeveledCx()
- PgDrawBezierCx(),
PgDrawBezierv(), PgDrawBezierCxv()
- PgDrawBitmapCx(),
PgDrawBitmapv(), PgDrawBitmapCxv()
- PgDrawEllipseCx()
- PgDrawGradientCx()
- PgDrawGradientBevelBoxCx()
- PgDrawGridCx()
- PgDrawGridCx()
- PgDrawImageCx(),
PgDrawImagev(), PgDrawImageCxv()
- PgDrawLineCx(),
- PgDrawMultiTextAreaCx
- PgDrawPhImageCx(),
PgDrawPhImagev(), PgDrawPhImageCxv()
- PgDrawPhImageRectv(),
- PgDrawPixelCx(),
- PgDrawPixelArrayCx(),
PgDrawPixelArrayv(), PgDrawPixelArrayCxv()
- PgDrawPolygonCx(),
PgDrawPolygonv(), PgDrawPolygonCxv()
- PgDrawRectCx(),
- PgDrawPixelArrayCx(),
PgDrawPixelArrayv(), PgDrawPixelArrayCxv()
- PgDrawRepImageCx(),
PgDrawRepImagev(), PgDrawRepImageCxv()
- PgDrawRepPhImageCx(),
PgDrawRepPhImagev(), PgDrawRepPhImageCxv()
- PgDrawRoundRectCx()
- PgDrawSpanCx(),
PgDrawSpanv(), PgDrawSpanCxv()
- PgDrawStringCx(),
PgDrawStringv(), PgDrawStringCxv()
- PgDrawTextCx(),
PgDrawTextv(), PgDrawTextCxv(),
- PgDrawTextAreaCx()
- PgDrawTImageCx(),
PgDrawTImageCxv(), PgDrawTImagev()
- PgDrawTrendCx(),
PgDrawTrendCxv(), PgDrawTrendv()
- PgFlushCx(),
- PgGetColorModelCx()
- PgGetGCCx()
- PgGetRegionCx()
- PgSetAlphaCx()
- PgSetAlphaBlendCx()
- PgSetChromaCx()
- PgSetClippingCx()
- PgSetColorModelCx()
- PgSetDrawBufferSizeCx
- PgSetDrawModeCx()
- PgSetFillColorCx()
- PgSetFillDitherCx()
- PgSetFillTransPatCx()
- PgSetFillXORColorCx()
- PgSetFontCx()
- PgSetGCCx()
- PgSetMultiClipCx()
- PgSetPaletteCx()
- PgSetPlaneMaskCx()
- PgSetRegionCx()
- PgSetStrokeCapCx()
- PgSetStrokeColorCx()
- PgSetStrokeDashCx()
- PgSetStrokeDitherCx()
- PgSetStrokeJoinCx()
- PgSetStrokeTransPatCx
- PgSetStrokeWidthCx(),
- PgSetStrokeXORColorCx
- PgSetTextColorCx()
- PgSetTextDitherCx()
- PgSetTextTransPatCx()
- PgSetTextXORColorCx()
- PgSetTranslationCx()
- PgSetUnderlineCx()
- PgSetUserClipCx(),
- PgSwapDisplayCx()
- PgWaitVSyncCx()
- PgMap_t
- PhClipboardHdr
- PhClipboardRead()
- PhClipboardWrite()
- PhRegionInfo()
- PtAppAddCallback()
- PtAppAddEventHandler()
- PtAppAddFilterCallback()
- PtAppAddHotkeyHandler()
- PtAppGetResource()
- PtAppGetResources()
- PtAppRemoveCallback()
- PtAppRemoveEventHandler()
- PtAppRemoveFilterCallback()
- PtAppRemoveHotkeyHandler()
- PtAppSetResource()
- PtAppSetResources()
- PtGetDndFetchIndex()
- PtWindowGetFrameSize
- PxConfigCloseCx()
- PxConfigDeleteEntryCx()
- PxConfigDeleteSectionCx
- PxConfigFirstSection(), PxConfigFirstSectionCx()
- PxConfigForceEmptySectionCx()
- PxConfigNextEntry(), PxConfigNextEntryCx()
- PxConfigNextSectionCx()
- PxConfigNextStringCx()
- PxConfigOpenCx()
- PxConfigReadBoolCx()
- PxConfigReadCharCx()
- PxConfigReadDoubleCx()
- PxConfigReadIntCx()
- PxConfigReadLLong(),
- PxConfigReadLongCx()
- PxConfigReadShortCx()
- PxConfigReadStringCx()
- PxConfigSectionCx()
- PxConfigWriteBoolCx()
- PxConfigWriteCharCx()
- PxConfigWriteDoubleCx()
- PxConfigWriteIntCx()
- PxConfigWriteLLong(),
- PxConfigWriteLongCx()
- PxConfigWriteShortCx()
- PxConfigWriteStringCx()
- PxGetImageExtensions()
- PxTerminate()
- qnxgl_buffers_create
- qnxgl_buffers_destroy
- qnxgl_context_create
- qnxgl_context_destroy
- qnxgl_finish()
- qnxgl_get_current()
- qnxgl_get_func()
- qnxgl_get_index()
- qnxgl_get_info()
- qnxgl_get_version()
- qnxgl_init()
- qnxgl_release_info()
- qnxgl_set_current()
- qnxgl_swap_buffers()
- PdCreateOffscreenContext()
and PdDupOffscreenContext
- Added several new flags for optimization. In PdCreateOffscreenContext(),
ImageType now supports several new values.
- PdSetTargetDevice()
- Now takes a void * instead of a PhDrawContext_t
to specify
the draw context.
- PgCreateLayerSurface
- Added several new flags for optimization.
- PgGetVideoModeInfo()
- Returns a new flag in PgVideoModeInfo_t. mode_capabilities2:
- PxLoadImage()
- Added support for SGI image format.
This section includes:
- ApModifyItemAccel()
- Modify the keyboard shortcut for a menu item
- PgCreateDriverRegion()
- Create a region that's owned by the graphics driver
- PgCreateLayerSurface()
- Create an offscreen context for a layer
- PgGetLayerCaps()
- Query the capabilities of a layer
- PgLayerCaps_t
- Capabilities for a layer
- PgLockLayer()
- Lock a layer for exclusive use by an application
- PgSetLayerArg()
- Configure a layer argument
- PgSetLayerSurface()
- Display the offscreen context on the specified layer surface
- PgUnlockLayer()
- Unlock a layer
- PhKeyEvent_t
- Added more information about interpreting key events.
- PhLibVersion()
- Get the version number of the Photon libraries
- PtFepCmd()
- Control a Front-End Processor (FEP) from an application
- PtHelpSearch()
- New value for the method argument,
- PxLoadImage()
- Added a section on
threads and PxLoadImage()
- PtConnectionWaitForId() -- this function is unnecessary.
- ApCreateModule()
- Corrected the description of creating a picture module.
- PdSetTargetDevice()
- Corrected the prototype.
- PhEventRead()
- Corrected the description and example.
This section includes:
This section includes:
- ApAddContext()
- Add a PhAB context so you can use a PhAB application as a DLL
- ApRemoveClass()
- Remove a widget class
- ApRemoveContext()
- Remove the PhAB context from a PhAB application that you're using as a DLL
- PdCreateOffscreenLock()
- Create an offscreen lock
- PdDestroyOffscreenLock()
- Destroy an offscreen lock
- PdIsOffscreenLocked()
- Determine whether or not an offscreen context is locked
- PdLockOffscreen()
- Lock an offscreen context
- PdUnlockOffscreen()
- Unlock an offscreen context
- PfExtent(), PfExtentCx()
- Calculate the extent rectangle of a text string
- PfExtentTextCharPositionsCx()
- Calculate individual character positions, specifying a font context
- PfExtentWideText()
- The prototype has changed; the string is now of type
uint16_t *.
- PfFindFont(),
- The prototypes have changed; they now use char instead of
- PfGenerateFontNameCx()
- Generate a font name.
- PfGetOutlineCx()
- Get individual point information for a glyph outline, specifying the
font context.
- PfRenderCtx(), PfRenderCx()
- Render a string via a user callback function
- PfRenderWideText(),
- The prototype has changed; the string is now of type
uint16_t *.
- PgAlphaValue()
- Extract the alpha component from a color value
- PgARGB()
- Convert alpha, red, green, and blue values to composite color format
- PgContextBlit(),
- The source data is now scaled to fit the destination rectangle.
- PgGetColorModel()
- Get the current color model
- PgSetColorModel()
- Set the current color model
- PhImage_t
- New image types:
- PpPrintContext_t
- Data structure describing a print context
- PtCreateClassStyle()
- Create a class style
- PtDupClassStyle()
- Get a copy of a widget class style
- PtFindClassStyle()
- Find the style with a given name
- PtGetStyleMember()
- Get a member of a style
- PtGetWidgetStyle()
- Get the style that a widget is currently using
- PtSetClassStyleMethods()
- Set multiple members of a style from an array
- PtSetStyleMember()
- Set a member of a style
- PtSetStyleMembers()
- Set multiple members of a style from a variable-length argument list
- PtSetWidgetStyle()
- Set the current style for a widget
- utf8len()
- Count the bytes in a UTF-8 character
- utf8strblen()
- Find the number of UTF-8 characters in part of a string
- utf8strchr()
- Search for a UTF-8 character in a string
- utf8strichr()
- Search for a UTF-8 character in a string, ignoring case
- utf8strirchr()
- Search backwards for a UTF-8 character in a string, ignoring case
- utf8strlen()
- Find the length of a UTF-8 character string
- utf8strnchr()
- Search for a UTF-8 character in part of a string
- utf8strncmp()
- Compare part of a UTF-8 character string
- utf8strndup()
- Create a copy of part of a UTF-8 character string
- utf8strnichr()
- Search for a UTF-8 character in part of a string, ignoring case
- utf8strnlen()
- Find the number of bytes used by n characters of a
UTF-8 character string
- utf8strrchr()
- Search backwards for a UTF-8 character in a string
- utf8towc()
- Convert a UTF-8 character to a wide-character code
- wctoutf8()
- Convert a wide-character code into a UTF-8 character
The mbstr* functions have been replaced:
- ApAddClass()
- This function now makes a copy of the string pointed to by
class_name_string; it no longer keeps a pointer to the string.
- PdGetOffscreenContextPtr()
- This function can fail on certain hardware.
You can use PdGetOffscreenContextPtr() on closed systems where
you know that the graphics frame buffer is linear; don't use it in
applications that target generic hardware configurations.
- PfConvertFontID()
- Now returns char * instead of uchar_t *.
- PfFontDescription()
- Now returns char const * instead of
uchar_t const *.
- PfQueryFonts()
- If you don't want to limit the search to fonts that support a specific
character, pass PHFONT_ALL_SYMBOLS as the symbol
- PfGetOutline()
- The pkucFont argument is now of type
char const * instead of uchar_t const *.
- PhEmit(),
- If you set the collector ID for the event
to zero, the event is enqueued to every appropriately sensitive region that
intersects with the event.
If you set collector.rid to a region ID, only that region notices
the event.
- PpPrintWidget()
- Pt_PP_RESIZE_PC is a new value for the resize
- PpSetPC()
- Corrected the data types for Pp_PC_INTENSITY,
- PtAddClassStyle()
- Corrected the prototype.
- PtQuitMainLoop()
- This function now returns an int that indicates whether
or not the thread has already called PtQuitMainLoop().
- PtSpawn()
- By default, the new process inherits all of the parent's valid file
descriptors whose values are less than or equal to 9.
- PxLoadImage()
- You don't have to define the file formats that you want to support
any more (e.g. PX_GIF_SUPPORT).
New entries:
- PdOpenGLContextSetRid()
- PdOpenGLContextSwapBuffers()
- PgCreateGradient()
- PgGetGradientColor()
- PgGradientControl_t
- PgGradientLinear()
- PgGradientMakeImage()
- PgGradientPercent()
- PgGradientRotatePalette()
- PhWindowQueryVisible()
new bits for the flags argument.
Ph_QUERY_CONSOLE is the default value.
An API for handling font names in an organized, portable way has been added.
Previously, we recommended you address a font by the
"stem name" supplied by the font manager (e.g. helv12).
This approach is no longer recommended, since stem names aren't
guaranteed to be static. This is especially true when new
font technology is added to the Photon font subsystem.
The new API provides an interface that eliminates the need to recode in
the future. It includes:
These new functions support language and message databases:
These functions have been renamed; you should use the new name, although
applications that use the old name will still work:
- ApBitmap_t
- ApDeleteWidget() -- you can use
instead, but note that it deletes the given widget and its children.
- ApFreeBitmapRes()
- ApGetBitmapRes()
The prototype has changed for:
- PfQueryFont() -- replaced by
which returns a valid stem name when using a scalable font.
The old function is still in the library, so applications that use it
should still work.
Other new features:
- PgSetDrawMode()
- New drawing modes.
Other changes:
- PhEvent_t
events have a new subtype, Ph_EV_RELEASE_OUTBOUND.
- PhInitDrag()
- The prototype has changed; the ptrpos and cursor
arguments have been added.
- PhMakeTransBitmap()
- This function now supports all image types currently supported by
Photon. The meaning of the trans_color argument depends on
the image type.
These new functions support image operations:
New functions:
Other changes:
- PpPrintWidget()
- You no longer need to call PtFlush() after calling this
- PtAddClassStyle()
- PtAddFilterCallback()
- PtAddFilterCallbacks()
- PtAddResponseType()
- PtAlert()
- PtAppSetFdMode()
- PtBlit()
- PtBlockAllWindows()
- PtBlockWindow()
- PtCalcCanvas()
- PtCalcSurface()
- PtCalcSurfaceByAction()
- PtCalcSurfaceById()
- PtCancelDnd()
- PtCheckSurfaces()
- PtClippedBlit()
- PtCondTimedWait()
- PtCondWait()
- PtConnectionAddEventHandlers()
- PtConnectionAddMsgHandlers()
- PtConnectionClientGetUserData()
- PtConnectionClientSetError()
- PtConnectionClientSetUserData()
- PtConnectionFindId()
- PtConnectionFlush()
- PtConnectionFindName()
- PtConnectionNotify()
- PtConnectionReply(), PtConnectionReplymx()
- PtConnectionResizeEventBuffer()
- PtConnectionSend(), PtConnectionSendmx()
- PtConnectionServerDestroy()
- PtConnectionServerGetUserData()
- PtConnectionServerSetError()
- PtConnectionServerSetUserData()
- PtConnectionTmpName()
- PtConnectionWaitForName()
- PtConnectorCreate()
- PtConnectorDestroy()
- PtConnectorGetId()
- PtCRC() -- replaces PxCRC()
- PtCRCValue()
- PtCreateActionSurface()
- PtCreateSurface()
- PtCreateTransportCtrl()
- PtDamageSurface(),
- PtDamageSurfaceByAction()
- PtDestroyAllSurfaces()
- PtDestroySurface()
- PtDestroySurfaceById()
- PtDisableSurface(),
- PtDisableSurfaceByAction()
- PtDndFetch_t
- PtDndSelect()
- PtEnableSurface(),
- PtEnableSurfaceByAction()
- PtEnter()
- PtExit()
- PtFindFocusNextFrom()
- PtFindFocusPrevFrom()
- PtFindSurface()
- PtFindSurfaceByAction()
- PtGetResource()
- PtGiveFocus()
- PtHelpQuit()
-- replaces PxHelpQuit()
- PtHelpSearch()
-- replaces PxHelpSearch()
- PtHelpTopic()
-- replaces PxHelpTopic()
- PtHelpTopicRoot()
-- replaces PxHelpTopicRoot()
- PtHelpTopicTree()
-- replaces PxHelpTopicTree()
- PtHelpUrl()
-- replaces PxHelpUrl()
- PtHelpUrlRoot()
-- replaces PxHelpUrlRoot()
- PtHideSurface(),
- PtHideSurfaceByAction()
- PtInitDnd()
- PtInsertSurface(),
- PtLeave()
- PtMakeModal()
- PtModalBlock()
- PtModalUnblock()
- PtNotice()
- PtPrintSelect()
- PtPrompt()
- PtPulseArm()
- PtQuitMainLoop()
- PtReleaseTransportCtrl()
- PtRemoveFilterCallback()
- PtRemoveFilterCallbacks()
- PtSetAreaFromCanvas()
- PtSetResource()
- PtShowSurface(),
- PtShowSurfaceByAction()
- PtSurfaceActionId()
- PtSurfaceAddData(),
- PtSurfaceBrotherBehind()
- PtSurfaceBrotherInFront()
- PtSurfaceCalcBoundingBox(),
- PtSurfaceExtent(),
- PtSurfaceGetData(),
- PtSurfaceHit()
- PtSurfaceId()
- PtSurfaceInBack()
- PtSurfaceInFront()
- PtSurfaceIsDisabled()
- PtSurfaceIsEnabled()
- PtSurfaceIsHidden()
- PtSurfaceIsShown()
- PtSurfaceRect(),
- PtSurfaceRemoveData(),
- PtSurfaceTestPoint()
- PtSurfaceToBack(),
- PtSurfaceToFront(),
- PtTransportCtrl_t
- PtTransportRequestable()
- PtTransportType()
- PtUnblockWindows()
- PtWidgetActiveSurface()
- PtWidgetMinimumSize()
- PtWidgetPreferredSize()
- PtWindowFrameSize()
These functions have been renamed; you should use the new name, although
applications that use the old name will still work:
Other changes:
- PtCreateWidget()
- The parent argument has changed.
It can now be a pointer to the parent widget or one of:
- Pt_DEFAULT_PARENT -- use the default parent, which
is the most recently created container.
- PtFileSelection()
- This function can select directories as well as files.
Enable directory selection with the Pt_FSDIALOG_SELECT_DIRS
Existing directories can be selected with btn1 (the Open button).
PtFileSelection() can create and delete directories and delete
You can create new directories at any time by pressing the New button.
When the PtFileSel widget has focus, two new hotkeys
are activated: the Insert key creates a new directory
just like the New Directory button, and the Delete key
removes the currently selected item.
The info structure has the following new members:
- user_data
- confirm_display
- confirm_selection
- new_directory
New flags:
- Pt_FSR_NO_FCHECK -- replaces
- Pt_FSR_NO_FSPEC -- replaces
- Pt_FSR_NO_UP_BUTTON -- replaces
- PtModalEnd()
- The prototype has changed; this function no longer takes as an
argument the value returned by PtModalStart().
- PtModalStart()
- No longer returns anything.
- PtRectIntersect()
- Replaced by PhRectIntersect() --
- PtRectUnion()
- Replaced by PhRectUnion()
- PxCRC()
- Replaced by PtCRC().
- PxHelpQuit()
- Replaced by PtHelpQuit()
- PxHelpSearch()
- Replaced by PtHelpSearch()
- PxHelpTopic()
- Replaced by PtHelpTopic()
- PxHelpTopicRoot()
- Replaced by PtHelpTopicRoot()
- PxHelpTopicTree()
- Replaced by PtHelpTopicTree()
- PxHelpUrl()
- Replaced by PtHelpUrl()
- PxHelpUrlRoot()
- Replaced by PtHelpUrlRoot()
- PxLoadImage()
- If PX_TRANSPARENT is set in the flags member of
the PxMethods_t structure, PxLoadImage()
makes the image transparent, using the detected transparent color and
the image's chroma scheme. There's no need to set the transparent
member of this structure -- it's deprecated.
- PxTranslateUnknown()
- Control how unknown encodings are handled
You no longer need to include <photon/PxHelp.h> when
using the help functions.
- PgDrawImage(), PgDrawImagemx()
- Instead of using this function, we recommend using a
structure and calling
- PgDrawTImage(), PgDrawTImagemx()
- Instead of using this function, we recommend using a
structure and calling
- PhMakeTransBitmap()
- Use
to draw a transparent image.
© 1995 -- 2005 QNX Software Systems. All rights reserved.