This version of this document is no longer maintained. For the latest documentation, see |
Disable all control surfaces associated with an action
void PtDisableSurfaceByAction( PtWidget_t *widget, PtWidgetClassRef_t const *cref, ushort_t action_id, ulong_t flags );
This function disables all surfaces belonging to the given widget that are associated with an action. The cref and action_id specify the class and manifest of the action associated with surfaces to be disabled.
Disabled surfaces are drawn, but they don't respond to events. They do or don't consume events to which they're sensitive, depending on the setting of their Pt_SURFACE_CONSUME_EVENTS flag. If this bit is set, the surface effectively blocks events to which it's sensitive.
The flags argument specifies additional action to take, and may include the following values:
Safety: | |
Interrupt handler | No |
Signal handler | No |
Thread | No |
PtDisableSurface(), PtDisableSurfaceById(), PtEnableSurface(), PtEnableSurfaceByAction(), PtEnableSurfaceById(), PtSurfaceIsDisabled(), PtSurfaceIsEnabled()
Control Surfaces chapter of the Photon Programmer's Guide