Target-side utilities

Date of this edition: March 12, 2025

Name Status Alternative Notes
Target-side command line utilities: Discontinued The following utilities have toybox alternatives:
basename basename
cat cat
cfgopen N/A
chat N/A
cheksum checksum
comm comm
cp cp
cut cut
date date
dd dd
diff diff
dirname dirname
dit N/A
du du
echo echo
ed N/A
egrep egrep
env env
expand expand
false false
fgrep fgrep
file file
find find
fullpath N/A
getty N/A
gprof gprof
grep grep
head head
id id
libgmp N/A
libtermcap N/A
link link
ls ls
mesg N/A
mkdir mkdir
mkfifo mkfifo
mktemp mktemp
modem N/A
mv mv
nohup nohup
paste paste
patch patch
pax N/A
pr N/A
printf printf
pwd pwd
qcp N/A
qed N/A
qtalk N/A
rm rm
rmdir rmdir
rpcgen N/A
sed sed
sleep sleep
sort sort
split split
strings strings
tail tail
tee tee
textto N/A
time time
tinit N/A
touch touch
true true
tty tty
uname uname
unexpand N/A
unifdef N/A
uniq uniq
unlink unlink
uud uud
uudecode uudecode
uue uue
uuencode uuencode
wc wc
which which
xargs N/A
Name Status Alternative Notes
Random utility option -i Discontinued
  • The information gathered by this option is now handled inside the kernel and provided in the SysRandom kernel instead.
  • N/A
Random utility options:
  • m
  • r
  • t
Deprecated N/A
  • Mode will default to 0664 and can be modified through security policies if required.
  • N/A
  • The timer entropy behavior is being preserved and will be default behavior in SDP 8.1.
random utility option -p Discontinued N/A
slay options -C, -R, and -i Discontinued N/A
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