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An elliptical arc
PtWidget --> PtBasic --> PtGraphic --> PtArc
For more information, see the diagram of the widget hierarchy.
You can use PtArc to create an elliptical arc that's defined by:
Instances of PtArc: arcs, circles, ellipses, wedges, and chords.
The ellipse is specified using two control points stored in Pt_ARG_POINTS. These points are relative to the widget's origin, Pt_ARG_ORIGIN (see PtGraphic). If the points aren't set, the ellipse is specified by the widget's dimensions, Pt_ARG_DIM.
An arc is drawn along the ellipse in a counter-clockwise direction, starting at the start angle and finishing at the end angle. The start and end angles are specified by two resources: Pt_ARG_ARC_START and Pt_ARG_ARC_END.
The arc may be scaled directly by scaling its defining points. Scaling a circular arc by unequal amounts in the x and y directions results in an elliptical arc.
The arc may also be drawn as a closed curve by specifying the arc type with the Pt_ARG_ARC_TYPE resource:
Resource | C type | Pt type | Default |
Pt_ARG_ARC_END | unsigned short | Scalar | 0 |
Pt_ARG_ARC_START | unsigned short | Scalar | 0 |
Pt_ARG_ARC_TYPE | unsigned short | Scalar | Pt_ARC_CURVE |
C type | Pt type | Default |
unsigned short | Scalar | 0 |
The end angle, in tenths of a degree.
C type | Pt type | Default |
unsigned short | Scalar | 0 |
The start angle, in tenths of a degree. If this angle is 0, the arc starts on the horizon, to the right of the center. Angles increase in a counter-clockwise direction.
C type | Pt type | Default |
unsigned short | Scalar | Pt_ARC_CURVE |
The type of arc; one of:
If the widget modifies an inherited resource, the "Default override" column indicates the new value. This modification affects any subclasses of the widget.