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Caution: This version of this document is no longer maintained. For the latest documentation, see http://www.qnx.com/developers/docs.

View (v)

view screen options


vanumber  number  number









This command allows you to change some of the parameters associated with your screen. The parameter is specified by the character following the View (v) command. The condition register is not affected by this command.

Each parameter is briefly described in the subsection below.

View screen options

va - Attribute
vanumber number number

This command allows you to change the attributes (color) of the three regions of your display. The first number must lie between 1 and 3 and indicates the region.

The second and third number select the foreground and background color.

0 - Black 1 - Blue 2 - Green 3 - Cyan
4 - Red 5 - Magenta 6 - Yellow 7 - White

The foreground color will be intensified if values greater than 7 are used:

8 - Black 9 - Blue 10 - Green 11 - Cyan
12 - Red 13 - Magenta 14 - Yellow 15 - White

This command is ignored when used with the monochrome display. Users with a color display may wish to add this command to the end of the file /usr/lib/ed.macros.

vc - Center Line

When used without an argument this causes your screen to be redrawn with the line your cursor is on positioned at your defined center line. You may redefine your center line by specifying a number between 1 and 23. The default macro file sets your center line at 3.

vf - Full Display of Text and Attributes

The editor keeps track of the attributes stored on each line. To increase the speed of screen updates on the console, qed will not update the attributes when it believes they have not changed. Programs which modify the screen attributes without the editors knowledge may result in permanent attributes which qed will not remove. The view full command will force qed to always update the attributes as well as the text on your screen.

vl - Left Margin

This command defines your left margin. The quantity may be a simple number in which case your margin will be set to that value, or it may be a number preceded by a "+" or "-" in which case that value will be added or subtracted from the current value. This lets you define absolute or relative changes to your margin. For example:


will increase your left margin by five and:


will define your left margin to be five. As a special case, a "." (dot) will set your margin to the column that your text cursor is currently on.

Your left margin defines the point you will return to in your text whenever you type a carriage return. The characters before your margin will be filled by blanks unless you have changed your default fill character (see the Zap (z) command).

Your left margin is constrained to lie between 1 and your right margin.

vr - Right Margin

This command defines your right margin in the same manner as vl defined your left margin. Your right margin defines the point at which filling (automatic generation of a carriage return) will occur on text entry if you have option fill on (f+).

Your right margin is constrained to lie between your left margin and column 1000.

vs - Scroll Screen

This command causes your screen to be scrolled. If you specify a negative quantity then the scroll will be backward and if you specify a positive quantity then the scroll will be forward. This command always causes an immediate refresh of your screen. This allows you to look at snap shots of your screen during the execution of an until (or any list of commands). The command:

u20  s/^/+/

would only display the final version of the line you modified when the editor finished execution. The command:

u20  s/^/+/vs0

would give you a snap shot after each iteration of the substitute command.

vt - Set tab settings

You may set your tab stops at every 2, 4 or 8 characters on the screen. The default is 4.

vz - Zoom the size of your screen

When given without arguments this command will switch to the next hardware supported screen size. If the number is given it will switch to

Size of screen upon entry.
Screen size 1 (usually 25 by 80).
Screen size 2 (usually 43 by 80).
Hardware dependent.

Current line:

Not affected.

Condition register:

Not affected.

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